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Marko Petrik

Marko is an artist and urban sustainability consultant based in Cape Town, South Africa.

As a consultant, he seeks to foster practices that will help ensure humans and nature thrive together.

As an artist he is interested in infusing the naturalistic depiction of his subjects with a sense of underlying myth-making and presence.

With his graceful bronze work, he seeks to capture the grandeur of the natural world.

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Marko Petrik received his artistic training at the Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town, graduating in 2007 with an B.FA (hons) in sculpture. He additionally holds a B.Business Science and a M.Phil in Urban Design & Management.


He has worked in the science exhibition industry, in graphic design & illustration, and urban innovation systems.


He is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa, where he splits his time between consulting in online education and working on sculpture. Born and bred in the city, his love for the natural world has been transmitted into both his artwork and career.


As a consultant, he seeks to foster practices that will help ensure humans and nature thrive together, while with his bronze work he seeks to capture the grandeur of the natural world. As an artist he is interested in infusing the naturalistic depiction of his subjects with a sense of underlying myth-making and presence.

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